Alfred’s Premier Piano Express Book 3 with CD

Alfred’s Premier Piano Express Book 3 with CD


Premier Piano Express is designed for students who need a fast-paced approach to piano study. Based on the concepts and music from Premier Piano Course, this All-In-One Accelerated Course integrates Lesson, Theory, Technique, and Performance pages. Book 3 continues the steady development of artistry and keyboard skills that began in Books 1 and 2.


The book is organized into skills-based units that feature clear explanations of important musical concepts. Worksheets within each unit provide review and strengthen understanding. Included with the book is a CD-ROM that contains both audio performances on acoustic piano and orchestrated accompaniments for selected pieces. Accompaniments are also available for download.

Additional information

Sheet Music Composer/Author

Alfred, Dennis Alexander, E. L. Lancaster, Gayle Kowalchyk, Martha Mier, Victoria McArthur

Sheet Music Level

Level 3

Sheet Music Publisher


Sheet Music Type/Genre

Educational, Lesson

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